Mouth feels hot even though you are not eating warm or spicy food might make you wonder, "What is the cause?" Curious what causes the mouth to feel hot and how to overcome it? Check out this article, let's! This burning sensation can appear on the roof of the mouth, tongue, or lips. Usually the burning sensation in the mouth is accompanied by the mouth feeling dry, numb, bitter, or like a sensation of metallic taste. Causes Mouth Feeling Hot The sensation of hot mouth can appear suddenly, but can also appear slowly and increasingly felt from day to day. The cause is not yet known with certainty, but there are several things that can increase the risk of this condition, including: Hormonal changes. Allergic to ingredients used in teeth, can be toothpaste, mouthwash, and dentures, Suffers from oral infections, and lacks B12, folate and iron intake. Have a habit of grinding your teeth or bruxism. Suffer from certain diseases, such as stomach acid, diabetes, thyroi...